Euromontana and the Italian Rural Network are jointly organising a conference on June 6-7th in Rome to discuss the future of mountain areas in the next programming period.
In this respect the objective of this conference is, in particular, to inspire programming and to promote an integrated approach. The presentations for the first day are being identified. The purpose of this news is to ask for your contribution in order to identify replicable initiatives which would be worth presenting on the second day in the parallel workshops.For more information about the type of initiatives requiered, click on the questionnaire.
10 initiatives will be selected by the Steering committee of the event, around half from Italy and half from other parts of Europe. We would be grateful if you could help us identifying the most interesting initiatives in your area by sending back to us this questionnaire filled in by Monday 22nd of April 2013.
Thank you very much in advance, and should you have any further question related to this, please contact Ancuta Pasca.