Date / Heure
Date(s) - 25 Oct 2019
9 h 30 min - 13 h 00 min
Esino Lario - Italy
ERSAF is organising its annual seminar dedicated to mountain areas on the topic “Smart Villages: an intelligent concept”.
The concept of Smart Villages is quite recent and has been placed in a very short time at the centre of the debate and the formulation of strategies at European level. But what exactly does the concept of Smart Villages include? Smart Villages is not just digital or ICT, it opens the discussion and confrontation on innovative thinking and acting, as an alternative practice – while especially in mountain areas, arised during the last 30 years the risk of impoverishment of knowledge and acting due to the arrival of models and methods borrowed from cities and which are inefficient in mountain areas.
In line with the recent situations of debate, research and comparison, EUSALP, the European Network for Rural Development, Euromontana, the European Commission, ERSAF, together with the Lombardy Region, intends to propose an opportunity for exchange and reflection to local actors involved in the development of mountain areas.
Programme and registration
The conference will be an opportunity to discuss the concept of Smart Villages and its various dimensions, from social innovation (trough the SIMRA project) to youth and agro-forestry. Learn more on all mentioned topics in the programme (in Italian).
Registrations are opened through this form.