Date / Heure
Date(s) - 14-15 May 2019
10 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
Morbegno - Italy
YOUrALPS (Educating youth for the Alps: (re)connecting Youth and Mountain heritage for an inspiring future in the Alps) take up the challenge to reconcile young people with the Alps. Thirteen project partners from six alpine countries work together to give structure to the field of mountain oriented education and incorporate the values and knowledge of mountains and the Alps more fully in practices also in educational curricula.
The project YOUrALPS consortium is organising a conference in May for the presentation and the prospects of two of the main project outputs:
- Alpine School Model, pedagogical and governance tool to support the accreditation of the Alpine School and the Alpine School Partner (among the alpine non-formal education organizations),
- OurAlps, an international network of mountain-oriented education in the Alps. It connects educators, teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, volunteers and organisations in the field of education, aiming at developing and promoting mountain-oriented education in Alpine areas.
The conference will take place in Morbegno, Italia.
Information on the programme, logistics and registration can be found here.