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The benefits of active membership in Euromontana:

“Euromontana is also of great support when it comes to the implementation of both the CAP and the Cohesion Policy, which are critical for mountain areas. Innovation is also key in the network and the association encourages news collaborations and projects which are interesting for us as a region.”

George Alexakis, Vice Governor of the region of Crete, Greece



“Euromontana is our voice within the European Commission, as in 2012 and 2014 during the discussions on the delegated regulation on the optional quality term “mountain product”. Euromontana’s work also enables us to learn from others in the implementation of the quality term. Thanks to Euromontana, we learned that Parmigiano Reggiano, one of the most renowned PDOs, is currently developing a mountain production segment and that Romania is leading initiatives, for example through the creation of a national logo. This helps us enriching our reflexion. In our monitoring work, Euromontana enables us to cross French borders by discovering the initiatives of other European actors.”

Bruno Douniès, Coordinator of the Association Porc Mountain, France


“Euromontana helps us to reach out to other mountainous communities. In our research work, Euromontana’s project platform is also a useful tool to look for potential project partners. Thanks to Euromontana, we also connected with NEMOR – the Network for European Mountain Research – which we joined in 2018. It is a very useful platform to connect researchers from different countries and be part of calls on mountain areas.”

Anna Maria Urbaniak-Brekke, Senior Researcher and Adviser for EU Research at the Western Norway Research Institute, Norway


“We are working in Belluno, a mountain Province of Veneto, in the North of Italy, where it is crucial to keep the attractiveness because young people face the problems of mountain depopulation. To respond to this depopulation issue, we created with the help of a local company the Fablab Belluno, a place for young people to meet in order to develop their ideas and exchange knowledge. When we met Euromontana members, we realised that the problems we are facing are quite similar to many issues discussed by the members of Euromontana. Being together is very helpful. It is very great to be able to exchange ideas and practices to find potential solutions together. We also wanted to share and to get good practices about how to overcome the problems that mountain provinces like Belluno face.“

Michele Talo, Director of Centro Consorzi Belluno, Training Center, Italy


“Euromontana gives us the opportunity to have contacts with relevant actors in all Europe working in the same field and with the same interests. It also provides us with weekly information about the main news in Europe.”

Beatriz Garcia Val, Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR), Spain



To be an active member of Euromontana is :

TO CONTRIBUTE to the elaboration of policies that allow mountain areas to be actors in their own development, by strengthening a representative and unified group, concerned about mountain areas, that addresses the European Union and the Member States.

TO PROMOTE your vision, the actions of your organisation and your mountain area by informing other mountain actors and European institutions about them, through proposing events and disseminating the results of your work.

TO BENEFIT from a large multi-sectoral and diversified network of organisations actively involved in mountain development, to develop your projects, your partnerships, and your collaborations at the European scale and within your own country.

TO HAVE A PRIORITY INVOLVMENT in partnerships that Euromontana builds to develop European projects targeting issues affecting mountain areas.

TO RECEIVE vital information and analyses on issues of concern for European mountain areas (information via email, newsletters, access to a reserved section of the website, thematic exchanges, etc).

TO PARTICIPATE in high-level events such as the European Mountain Conventions every 2 year, European conferences, and information sessions for members.

« Euromontana is a decentralized network that prioritises linking its members and their initiatives, under the coordination of a small team. The benefits of participation will grow with the investment you put in! »


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3 days ago

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1 week ago

The Puigcerdà Declaration is out! 💥On #InternationalMountainDay we unveil the Declaration co-constructed with mountain communities during the 2024 European Mountain Convention ⛰️"We declare that our mountain economies must be prosperous, resilient and sustainable and we propose actionable recommendations to support our territories during the new EU mandate and beyond" says our President Laura Gascon HerreroRead the Declaration 📜 www.euromontana.org/outcomes/#declaration#MountainsMatter #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Happy International Mountain Day! 🌄🌍Today, we say that #MountainsMatter and we show that there are solutions for a sustainable future in the mountains - for innovation, adaptation and youth 🏔️Let's spread inspiration for sustainable mountains ⬇️ Climate change adaptation 🌡️☀️ Dive into our study on adaptation in tourism and water management 👉 www.euromontana.org/climate-change-in-mountain-areas-meeting-the-challenge-of-adapting-water-mana...Youth 👩‍🦰 What do young people think about life in the mountains? Discover insights from our European survey 👉 www.euromontana.org/being-young-in-a-mountain-area-youths-needs-and-aspirations-in-2022/Innovation 💡 Boost social innovation in your mountains using the outcomes from SIMRA - Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas on and follow the exciting journey of our new ESIRA Project! 👉 www.euromontana.org/projects/#InternationalMountainDay #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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