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MOG – Our Activities

What we want to achieve

Move on Green is an ambitious project with the overall objective of improving the conception and efficiency of regional policies regarding sustainable transport in rural and mountain areas.

In the short term, MOG will develop policy-recommendations for decision-makers of rural and mountain areas. The recommendations will focus on both environmental protection and access to basic services for rural and mountain population through sustainable transport patterns. The results will be integrated into the regional policies of the 12 partner regions.

In the long term, Move on Green will contribute to reinforce overall environmental protection in Europe through more sustainable transport solution. MOG will also reinforce cohesion and sustainability in rural and mountain areas by helping maintaining a critical mass in rural areas, as efficient and sustainable transport schemes makes it possible for people to live in rural and mountain areas. Finally, MOG will encourage a positive attitude in the population and institutions regarding alternative mobility and transport patterns.

Our work plan

Move on Green is organised in three phases in which the 13 partners are involved. Among the 13 partners, 12 work at regional level and 1 works specifically at the European level.

Phase 1: identification and exchanges of good practices

Before starting any action, all regions must have a clear idea of the state of the art as regards mobility and transport in their region. Therefore, the project will start with an analysis of mobility carried out in the 12 partner regions. At this occasion, good practices on sustainable transport will be identified locally. Further examples will be identified at European level to enrich the collection made by the regional partners. Those good practices will be presented and discussed during thematic seminars and study visits.

Discover here the full MOG Good Practices collection.

Phase 2: in-depth analysis of the practices

The second phase of MOG aims at going in depth in some good practices to extract from them the success factors and see how to avoid possible stumbling blocks. Based on this work, Policy Guidelines for Sustainable Transport in Rural and Mountain Areas have be prepared.

At the same time, the 12 regional partners will have the opportunity to get better insight on specific practices that they found particularly interesting after the first phase by meeting bilaterally. Further exchanges will be carried out through thematic seminars and study visits.

Phase 3: Preparation of action plans on sustainable transport

The final phase will make concrete all the preparatory work that was undertaken in the two previous phases as it consists in the preparation of action plans on sustainable transport in the 12 partner regions. Each region will choose among the good practices studied and will prepare a plan to implement them, either directly or after adapting them to their specific context in needed. The recommendations drawn in the policy guidelines will be a support for the work of preparation of the action plans. The action plans will be as complete as possible, taking into account the local environment, the needs of the population, the infrastructural constraints, the financial aspects, etc., in order to start their implementation as soon as possible, and possibly already during the last year of the project.


The total duration of the project is 3 years, from January 2012 to December 2014.

6 meetings will take place during this period:

  • March 2012: Kick-off meeting in Teruel, Spain
  • August 2012: Seminar in Shetland Islands, UK
  • November 2012: Seminar in Podkarpackie, Poland
  • May 2013: Seminar in Thessaly, Greece
  • April 2014: Seminar in Brandenburg, German
  • September 2014: Final conference in Brussels, Belgium

All meetings have a part reserved to the consortium discussion and some will also have public sessions. We invite you to contact us if you wish to participate in a seminar organised in your region.


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