Date / Heure
Date(s) - 22-24 Oct 2014
Toute la journée
Palacio Euskalduna
IXth European Mountain Convention
Read here in Basque and here in Spanish
Please click here to check all the presentations of the event.
Please click here to check the conclusions of the event.
- Explore how new European policies, and especially the CAP in the EU, can contribute to the structuring of supply chains and territories through brands and labels valorising specific territories and the mountain dimension (investment, cooperation, promotion, quality improvement, innovation…): possibilities offered by the European framework and used (or not) in programmes of the different regions and member states. Comparing with non-EU states.
- Facilitate exchange of ideas between mountain LAGs so that they can compare and improvetheir draft local development strategies with respect to territorial marketing and valorisation of mountain products: benchmarking, presentation of interesting initiatives…
- Explore to what extent the family dimension of mountain farming can be valorised positively in product and services labelling and promotion strategies
- Prepare contributions for the world exhibition 2015 “Feeding the planet, energy for life”: how can mountain quality productions respond to food security challenges of tomorrow?
You can download the Final programme here.
The conference centre Palacio Euskalduna/Euskalduna Jauregia
Organised by Euromontana and the Basque Government: Avec la coopération de Hazi:
Funded by the European Commission: