Date / Heure
Date(s) - 29 Nov 2016
13 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min
Dom kulture Skrad
Workshop on Innovation and Circular Economy in Mountain Forest Supply Chains: How to Close the Loop?
On November 29th, 2016, Euromontana, in collaboration with member organization PINS, is organizing a workshop on the circular economy in forestry in Skrad, Croatia. If you are interested in attending, please register at this link. The workshop is co-hosted by Croatian MEP, Jozo RADOŠ.
Workshop background:
The circular economy is based on “sharing, leasing, reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling” of products and materials in an ideally closed loop. The goal of the circular economy is to reduce waste by keeping products and materials within the economy. As pressure on resources increases and availability decreases, there will be continued demand for sustainable systems that reduce waste and promote recycling. This workshop asks: how might the circular economy be applied in the mountain forest supply chain?
The workshop will present visions and possibilities for a circular economy in the forest supply chain and innovative initiatives that promote the circular economy in forestry. Mountain forests face specific natural conditions, such as slope, climate, and soil types, that make the exploitation of mountain resources unique. A circular economy in the forest supply chain will have to consider these constraints and develop unique ways to address them.
The workshop thus has four objectives:
- To better understand the European Union national and regional policies and programs supporting the circular economy in forestry.
- To explore visions for a circular economy in the mountain forest supply chain– what does a circular economy in the forest supply chain look like, how will we achieve it?
- From theory to the practice: to explore innovative tools, instruments and processes that can improve the circular economy in forestry.
- To facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices, ideas and proposals among the different mountain forest actors in Europe.
For the agenda, please click here. For the agenda in Croatian, please click here.
Request for good practices:
If you have good practices in innovation and circular economy in the forest supply chain to share, please fill out the form at this link or send them to us by completing the word document available here and emailing it to We will put together a book of good practices for the workshop and would like to showcase your work. If you have any questions, please email or call Euromontana at: 00 32 2 280 42 83.
1. How can RUMRA support mountain forestry?, Jozo Radoš, Croatian MEP of the RUMRA Intergroup
2. Why do we need a circular economy in mountain areas and specifically in mountain forestry?, Juanan Gutierrez, President of Euromontana
3. Forestry and the circular economy in Croatia, Danijel Bertović, PINS
Circular Economy in Mountain Forestry: What might the circular economy in forestry look like? How can we achieve it?
1. The EU circular economy package and the EU forest strategy, Sarah Whitaker, Euromontana
2.Circular economy and sustainable development with a focus on Southeastern Europe, Saša Čegar, Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka
3. What might the circular economy in mountain forestry look like and what makes it unique? Challenges and opportunities, Ben Allen, Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
4. Developing the circular economy in the mountain forest supply chain: what funding is available at the EU level?, Marie Clotteau, Euromontana
Innovation and the circular economy in the forest supply chain
1. Forest’s Contracts: an instrument of development and participatory management, Enrico Calvo, Regional Entity for Services to Agriculture and Forestry (ERSAF), Lombardy, Italy
2. Monitoring and managing forests with GDi solutions, Ivan Lukić, GDi GISDATA d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
3. Project BioEuparks, Sila National Park, Italy, Mario Grillo, Confederation of Italian Farmers, Italy
4. Bioash granulators in the circular economy, Sakari Kiviniemi, Chief Executive Officer, Rakeistus, Oulu, Finland
5. Overview and presentation of additional good practices, feedback and discussion, Sarah Whitaker, Euromontana
6. Recommendations and proposal of action plan for mountain forestry, Juanan Gutierrez, President of Euromontana
To read a full report on the event please click here