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Rural Development in the EU in 2013 [18 / 12 / 2013]

The Statistical and Economic report of Rural Development in the EU in the year 2013 has been published by the European Commission. This annual report provides economic and statistical figures of the situation of the […]

The Youth Video Competition has begun! [17 / 12 / 2013]

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) has launched a Youth Video Competition. If you want to take part in the competition, make a 3 minute video capturing a story about your rural area/community on […]

Accessibility in Tourism: how ICT are helping disabled people to travel? [17 / 12 / 2013]

The European Commission – DG Justice and DG Enterprise and Industry – celebrated on 3 and 4 December 2013, the “European Day of Persons with Disabilities” and the “European Tourism Day” 2013 with the Joint […]

Adoption of the main EU Funding Regulations for 2014-2020: the next programming period is well on track! [17 / 12 / 2013]

During the November and December 2013 sessions, the European Parliament has officially approved the European budget for 2014-2020 and several regulations, establishing the EU Funding Programmes for the European Structural and Investment Funds, Horizon 2020, […]

Conference “Towards…Creative Rural Entrepreneurship” [17 / 12 / 2013]

From the 21st to the 22nd of November 2013, the international seminar “Towards…Creative Rural Entrepreneurship” was organized by the Wallonian Rural Development Network. You can find on the webpage of the network all the presentations […]

Capitalisation event on sustainable transport: MOG was one of the 15 projects represented [12 / 12 / 2013]

MOG was in Brussels on 28th November 2013 on a Capitalisation event on sustainable transport with 14 other European projects working on this thematic (POSSE, POLITE, PIMMS CAPITAL, RITS-NET, ECOTALE…), organized by the INTERREG IV […]

ADEPT Transylvania rewarded for innovative communication at CAP awards 2013 [11 / 12 / 2013]

ADEPT Transylvania, one of the Euromontana members acting in the field of sustainable development in Romania, won the ‘Best CAP communication award’ in the category “Innovative communication” at the CAP Communication Awards 2013 organised by […]

Capitalisation event on demographic change: Padima was one of the 9 projects represented [9 / 12 / 2013]

PADIMA was in Brussels on 27th November 2013 on a Capitalisation event on demographic change with 8 other European projects working on demographic change (CREATOR, CASA, DART, INNOVAge…), organized by the INTERREG IV C JTS. […]

Move on Green is on the air ! [9 / 12 / 2013]

The regional governor of the Austrian province Burgenland, Mr Hans Niessl, interviewed Martina Jauck from Partner 8, Regional Management Burgenland. Asking her about her favourite European project, she took the opportunity to talk with him […]

MOG Study visit: Hungarian experts visited Partner 13 Brandenburg on 21st November 2013 [9 / 12 / 2013]

Context: Three experts from Partner 7 Central Transdanubian Region visited Brandenburg (Germany) to learn more about the “KombiBus”- Project. A unique pilot project on how existing public transport capacity in rural areas can be utilized […]

Mountains and energetic transition [9 / 12 / 2013]

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has published a report on “Mountains and the energetic transition” in October 2013. Whereas the EU 2020 strategy is targeting to develop 20% of renewables energies in […]

OECD presents a balanced vision and rich recommendations on rural-urban partnerships [6 / 12 / 2013]

OECD assembled 200 specially invited guests in Bologna on 23-25 October, including Euromontana, to present the results of two years of work on rural-urban partnerships. Based on 11 case studies taken from different areas of […]

Actors of the French mountain pig value chain are fighting for recognition [6 / 12 / 2013]

Endangered by orientations taken by European institutions regarding the optional quality term ‘mountain product’, actors of the mountain pig supply chain in France organised on November 15th a press conference aiming at alerting media on […]

Towards successful Operational Groups: recommendations for authorities [6 / 12 / 2013]

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) published on September 2013 a document called “EIP Operational Groups: lessons and recommendations from 2007-2013 Rural Development Programmes” in the framework of the end of the Phase 2 […]

Kaunertal Valley: a mountain area awarded for its accessible tourism [6 / 12 / 2013]

EDEN (European Destinations of Excellence) awarded, in November 2013, Kaunertal, a small valley, close to Tyrol in Austria for its accessible tourism. Indeed, for over 30 years, Kaunertal has renovated its facilities in order to […]

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2 weeks ago

The Puigcerdà Declaration is out! 💥On #InternationalMountainDay we unveil the Declaration co-constructed with mountain communities during the 2024 European Mountain Convention ⛰️"We declare that our mountain economies must be prosperous, resilient and sustainable and we propose actionable recommendations to support our territories during the new EU mandate and beyond" says our President Laura Gascon HerreroRead the Declaration 📜 www.euromontana.org/outcomes/#declaration#MountainsMatter #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Happy International Mountain Day! 🌄🌍Today, we say that #MountainsMatter and we show that there are solutions for a sustainable future in the mountains - for innovation, adaptation and youth 🏔️Let's spread inspiration for sustainable mountains ⬇️ Climate change adaptation 🌡️☀️ Dive into our study on adaptation in tourism and water management 👉 www.euromontana.org/climate-change-in-mountain-areas-meeting-the-challenge-of-adapting-water-mana...Youth 👩‍🦰 What do young people think about life in the mountains? Discover insights from our European survey 👉 www.euromontana.org/being-young-in-a-mountain-area-youths-needs-and-aspirations-in-2022/Innovation 💡 Boost social innovation in your mountains using the outcomes from SIMRA - Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas on and follow the exciting journey of our new ESIRA Project! 👉 www.euromontana.org/projects/#InternationalMountainDay #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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