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The high potential for agricultural innovation in Mediterranean rural areas [15 / 11 / 2016]

During the European Week of Regions and Cities, which took place on 11-13 October 2016 in Brussels, our very own Damiana Maiz presented the innovative potential of mountainous areas, during a workshop on that topic, […]

Shaping social innovation for marginalised rural areas [9 / 11 / 2016]

The Horizon 2020 project SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas) aims to categorise and understand social innovation in different settings (thanks to case studies), to develop an integrated set of methods for the evaluation […]

How will the Cork 2.0 Declaration be implemented? [8 / 11 / 2016]

Euromontana had the opportunity to question DG AGRI on the implementation of the Cork 2.0 Declaration during the workshop “Toward an EU Rural Agenda, revitalization opportunities and challenges” that took place during the European Week […]

How can better soils help us deliver ecosystem services? [7 / 11 / 2016]

LANDMARK (LAND Management, Assessment, Research, Knowledge base) is a European Horizon 2020 Research Project dealing with the sustainable management of land and soil in Europe. The questions that LANDMARK aims to address are: “How can […]

Proceedings of the X European Mountain Convention are now available [3 / 11 / 2016]

From 3 to 5 October 2016, around 260 mountain actors (researchers, farmers, environmentalists, elected representatives from local and regional authorities, representatives of chambers of commerce and development agencies) met in Bragança, Portugal during the X […]

ESPON: Call for proposals for targeted analyses [2 / 11 / 2016]

Next cut-off date for ESPON proposals for targeted analyses by stakeholders will be in January 2016. The targeted analyses are meant to support stakeholders in their policy development and add a wider European perspective to […]

Operational Groups: learn about their latest developments [2 / 11 / 2016]

Operational Groups are groups of people who work together in an innovation project funded by Rural Development Programmes. Operational Groups are the EIP-AGRI’s main tool for turning innovative ideas into real solutions for the field. […]

PEGASUS case studies: first results now available [25 / 10 / 2016]

PEGASUS (Public Ecosystem Goods And Services from agriculture and forestry: Unlocking the Synergies) aims to transform approaches to rural land management by unlocking the synergies between economic, social and environmental benefits provided by agriculture and […]

Presentation of a PEGASUS case study at the Mountains 2016 event! [25 / 10 / 2016]

Presentation of paper: “Understanding the relevance of the Biosphere Reserve concept for the provision of public goods in the mountain region of Lungau, Austria” At conference: “International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain […]

Happy 20th birthday Euromontana! [21 / 10 / 2016]

Euromontana celebrated its twentieth anniversary during the X European Mountain Convention in Bragança, Portugal. Euromontana was founded in 1996, during the March 4th Executive Board meeting. At the 20th anniversary celebration, the first President and […]

OREKA MENDIAN project has kicked off [21 / 10 / 2016]

Project partners from the Spanish Basque region and South-West France met on September 15th in Pagoeta, Spain, to mark the start of a 6-year project (Sept. 2016-Nov. 2021) addressing some of the most important challenges […]

Mitigating Climate Change with Geographical Indications and EU Quality Schemes [21 / 10 / 2016]

On September 6th, 2016, the Euromontana Secretariat attended a conference at the European Parliament on “Mitigating Climate Change with Geographical Indications and EU Quality Schemes” hosted by Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament and member […]

Climate change – A positive contribution from the mountains [14 / 10 / 2016]

We have talked long enough about climate change- now is the time for action and mountains are set to be Europe’s pioneers in climate change mitigation and adaptation. From 3 to 5 October 2016, around […]

Sign the 2016 European Charter for Mountain Quality Food Products [5 / 09 / 2016]

The 2016 European Charter for Mountain Quality Food Products Euromontana is delighted to present the 2016 European Charter for Mountain Quality Food Products. The Charter is the next step in over fifteen years of work by […]

SILVER TOURISM project is on track [26 / 08 / 2016]

The Silver Tourism project is an Erasmus + project coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz in Spain which aims to develop the skills of silver tourism experts. It aims to provide the necessary […]

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2 weeks ago

The Puigcerdà Declaration is out! 💥On #InternationalMountainDay we unveil the Declaration co-constructed with mountain communities during the 2024 European Mountain Convention ⛰️"We declare that our mountain economies must be prosperous, resilient and sustainable and we propose actionable recommendations to support our territories during the new EU mandate and beyond" says our President Laura Gascon HerreroRead the Declaration 📜 www.euromontana.org/outcomes/#declaration#MountainsMatter #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Happy International Mountain Day! 🌄🌍Today, we say that #MountainsMatter and we show that there are solutions for a sustainable future in the mountains - for innovation, adaptation and youth 🏔️Let's spread inspiration for sustainable mountains ⬇️ Climate change adaptation 🌡️☀️ Dive into our study on adaptation in tourism and water management 👉 www.euromontana.org/climate-change-in-mountain-areas-meeting-the-challenge-of-adapting-water-mana...Youth 👩‍🦰 What do young people think about life in the mountains? Discover insights from our European survey 👉 www.euromontana.org/being-young-in-a-mountain-area-youths-needs-and-aspirations-in-2022/Innovation 💡 Boost social innovation in your mountains using the outcomes from SIMRA - Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas on and follow the exciting journey of our new ESIRA Project! 👉 www.euromontana.org/projects/#InternationalMountainDay #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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