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Apply now for this new course on “Recording rock-art: new technologies for the documentation and management of mountain and valley heritage” (Italy)

The Mountain University (the Edolo campus of the University of Milan) in collaboration with the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici  have launched a course on “Recording rock-art: new technologies for the documentation and management of mountain and valley heritage”.

The lectures will start in July 2018 and will include both theoretical and practical sessions. The first theoretical lecture will be on the 13 July, via streaming, while the practical lectures will take place from the 3rd to the 7th of September 2018, following the 20th INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONGRESS IFRAO 2018 (29 August – 2 September 2018), which chose Valle Camonica as the location of the event because it was the first rock art site in the world to be entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

“Recording rock-art” aims to develop new professionals for the field and transform historical/cultural heritage into a valuable lever for regional development and economical growth, bringing together complementary disciplines so as to create ideas and methodologies and enrich the field experience of future rock-art specialists.

The course will be entirely given in English and will last 30 hours over two working weeks.

  • For more information, please visit this website or take a look at this flyer
  • To apply, please write to corso.edolo@unimi.it attaching your CV and cover letter. Registration will be completed during the month before the start of the course using the appropriate forms
2 May 2018

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