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MQFP project 2002-2004: Analysis and Results

This European project on mountain quality products provides  different types of outcomes.

The types of outcomes are:

  • The synthetic document
  • Survey data (collected in the ten surveyed European areas from two Questionnaires about products, legislation and collectives brands)
  • Data analysis and survey outcomes
  • Information and consultation documents including the minutes of workshops and the proceedings of the two advisory seminars.
  • Future actions

Synthetic document

This synthetic document states in three parts the main findings and outputs of the project, namely :

  • Methodology and results of the field studies;
  • Conclusions of the overall study;
  • Outputs and proposals.

Lien avec le document “Results, findings and outputs of the project” enfr – esitGRno – roPL – de

Survey data

The full data generated by the project and used in analyses and in producing strategic proposals is included under “Project Data ” in the section entitled “Our Project 2002-2004”. This data was gathered in 2003 by individual partner organisations (referred to as territorial relays) in their respective survey areas. Detailed information about the authors of individual fact sheets is available within the yellow flag in the top right corner of each page.

Questionnaire 1 data: 122 surveyed products and 10 geographical areas

  • A brief description of the 10 surveyed areas with a presentation (subdivided into six subsections) of the local context of mountain and quality products; this local picture drafted by individual territorial relays based on a study of regional agro-food products form the local synthesis of Questionnaire 1 results; Link to the ten local syntheses covering individual survey areas  en
  • Factsheets describing each of the 122 surveyed products covered by Questionnaire 1.

Questionnaire 2 data: 18 case studies

  • Case studies about 18 of the 122 surveyed products, providing more detailed analyses (subdivided into seven sections) of selected food products.
    Link to the 18 mountain food product case studies –  en

Data on regulations and innovative private brands

  • An inventory of legislation in the eight partner countries and some of their regions as well as existing European legislation relating to definitions of (i) the term “mountain”, (ii) farming and agro-food policies that are supportive of and adaptable to mountain areas, and (iii) public quality brands;
  • A range of local, national, and possibly collective quality brands which are considered innovative and interesting for the project;

These two themes were published within a same document:
Link with the document “Existing legislation and examples of relevant brands for their promotion”- ENFR

Survey Analyses and Outcomes

Analysis and findings from Questionnaire 1: 122 food products

Data collected was subject to a quantitative analysis (122 products) and also a qualitative one (97 from the 122) by the Steering Committee.
Link to the list of surveyed products (all 122, with a differentiation of the 97 products) – en – fr – de
Link to the synthesis of Questionnaire 1- en – frde

Analysis and findings from Questionnaire 2: 18 food product case studies

18 foods were further processed.
Link to the list of products surveyed as part of Questionnaire 2  – en – frde

This stage provided two additional analyses:

  • A general analysis of categories/typologies of mountain quality products development strategies;
  • A more specific analysis identifying success factors in development initiatives based on the 18 products, discriminating between key and comparatively minor success factors.
    Link to the synthesis of Questionnaire 2 –  en – frde

Analysis and findings on regulations and innovative private brands

An executive summary is also available covering official definitions of the term “mountain area”, existing legislation and private mountain and/or quality brands.
Link to the executive summary on existing legislation – en – frde

Information and consultation documents

Information documents

During the progress of the project, “Newsletters” in English and French were available on Euromontana Website and sent to the “external” network of the project and to any interested persons.
Link to Newsletter 0 – enfr
Link to Newsletter 1 – en fr
Link to Newsletter 2 – enfr

Consultation documents

During the seminars, documents were drafted in preparation of workshop sessions to facilitate the task of moderators and derive practical proposals for the Steering Committee. Rapporteurs also summarised the main outcomes of each workshop and drafted detailed minutes.
Both documents are available below.

Turin Scientific and Technical Seminar—“Mountain Agro-Food Products in Europe: Strengths and Strategies”.

Workshop A1-A2: “Characterising Mountain Quality Products”

Link to the document on Workshop A1-A2— enfr

Workshops A3 and A4: “Types of Strategies Used in Developing Mountain Products”

Link to the document on Workshops A3 and A4— enfr

Workshop B1-B2: Website: “Characterising Information and Users”

Link to the document on Workshop B1-B2— enfr

Workshops B3 and B4: “Looking At Different Possible European Mountain Quality Product Development Strategies”

Link to the document on Workshops B3 and B4—  fr

Future Actions, Including the Development of New “Tools”

For two years, this project on mountain agro-food products provided a forum and discussion platform for European practitioners. It made it possible to identify real needs in terms of exchanging experiences and improving the recognition and promotion of mountain products both for stakeholders of the mountain supply chain and institutional services at national and European level.

With this in mind, two tools were developed within the project, which will require further improvement:

  • The website on mountain product, destined to become a European website dedicated to information and sharing experiences;
  • A draft European Charter of quality Mountain Food Products, destined to become a European set of shared references about mountain products and their values for consumers and society.

For more information about these two new tangible outcomes, see “Perspectives”.


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