The new Horizon 2020 project SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas) has officially started on the 1st April 2016 for four years. The project aims to categorise and understand social innovation in different settings (thanks to case studies), to develop an integrated set of methods for the evaluation of social innovation and its impact on rural areas, to analyse the success factors for social innovation and disseminate new knowledge to policy-makers.
Coordinated by the James Hutton Institute in Scotland, several Euromontana members are directly involved: the University of Highlands and Islands (Scotland), SAB (Switzerland), ENRI (Norway), EURAC (Italy).
Euromontana will be particularly involved in the collection of Good Practices, in the involvement of stakeholders, and in the formulation of guidelines and policy recommendations. It will also be the co-leader of the Work Package communication & dissemination, in charge of the elaboration of a communication, dissemination and impact plan and of the final congress (beginning of 2020). The website and the leaflet will be soon available to provide more information about the project.
Stakeholders will be involved in different ways, such as in meetings, participation to case studies, questionnaires, interactive debate on social networks or through a MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course). Euromontana will keep informed all its members during the whole project on how they could be directly involved in SIMRA.
14 April 2016