ENRD, the European Network for Rural Development, is preparing the launch of the work on the theme of rural youth and young farmers. The objective of this work is the identification of good practices & research work implemented by youth or at the destination of young people across Europe and their wide dissemination. The initiative should also look beyond rural development policy and take into account support provided to young people by other programmes.
The first meeting will be held in Brussels on 6 or 7 February 2013 (date to be confirmed later) and will be the occasion for participants to discuss and agree the work plan to be implemented in the next months.
The network wants to involve young people living in rural areas, their representatives and youth organisations as active part of the working group and to invite them participating in the first meeting. The network has no budget for youth participation in these meetings. Participation must therefore be financially supported by each sending organization. If needed, the meetings can be webstremmed online and you could participate directly on Skype (or other software), from your home.
If you want to be associated to this work and be involved in future meetings, please contact Mara Lai, Mara.Lai@enrd.eu. For more information on the ENRD website.