EUROMONTANA participated on tuesday 5th of March to IREEN workshop on ICT road map for energy efficient rural neighbourhoods. IREEN stands for ICT ROadmap for Energy Efficient Neighbourhoods.IREEN is a research project funded by the European Union. Its primary output will be a roadmap, a first draft of which is available on the IREEN website.
IREEN looks at different application areas which are:
- transport
- building infrastructures
- energy production and storage
- energy distribution
- people involvement
To address challenges related to these different areas, IREEN looks at four categories of technologies:
- decision support technologies
- energy management technologies
- integrating technologies
- design and planning technologies
The aim of the workshop was to gather inputs from rural energy experts, entirely focusing on the rural context of energy efficiency in order to contribute to the IREEN roadmap. Experts were asked to identify challenges, potential impacts, involved stakeholders and technologies which could help to address the different challenges. Scenarios for more efficient rural areas were elaborated.