CIRCLE-2 MOUNT is a geographic group under the ERA-NET CIRCLE 2, a network whose aim is to coordinate national research programs in Europe on the impact and adaptation to climate change.
The CIRCLE-2 MOUNT works on supporting the assessment of needs related to climate change and adaptation in countries with strong ties to mountain systems, promoting research cooperation in scientific and policy areas in and around Europe.
In 2009, CIRCLE-2 MOUNT launched a call dedicated to the theme“Climate change impacts (natural and anthropogenic factors) and response options in mountainous areas”, under the FP7 program of the European Research Area. After the call, 4 research projects where selected and co-financed by the CIRCLE-2 MOUNTAIN partners.
The projects started in May 2010, had its final meeting in Barcelona the 26th and 27th of September. The results of the funded projects were presented at the event followed by discussions regarding possible areas of cooperation between mountain areas.
For further information you can check the CIRCLE-2 MOUNT website, where you can find the presentations of the final meeting.
11 October 2013