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Euromontana contributed to the ESPON 2020 consultation

Euromontana submitted on March 31st its contribution to the public consultation on the ESPON 2020 programme. Welcoming the general approach in the draft which tries to strike a balance between top down research and bottom-up analyses, Euromontana asked for the programme to be clarified with regard to the integrated approach of territorial development, which should include all ESI funds and not only ERDF and ESF. We of course renewed the need to see data elaborated and exploited at a scale which is relevant to mountain development issues. We also asked for the European networks involved in territorial development to be closely associated to the development and implementation of the programme. Euromontana also declared its will to continue following and disseminating work from ESPON through its various media channels, pleading for a dissemination strategy which would valorize smaller pieces of information more often.

7 April 2014

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