Euromontana has submitted its response to the EU public consultation on the Future European Tourism, organised by DG enterprise, on 15th March 2014.
We believe that:
1. The future European Tourism should be sustainable, fully taking into account the economic, social and environmental dimensions, as the only way to preserve the interest of touristic destinations in mountain areas in the long run.
2. The future European tourism should encourage all touristic destinations to become more competitive, to foster the value chains of tourism in their crucial role for mountain economies, and help to enable mountain entrepreneurs to adapt to these challenges: facilitating access to finance, developing the use of ICT and extending high-speed broadband in mountains areas and encouraging a better trained workforce, especially among young people.
3. The future European tourism should diversify and encourage new forms of tourism: agri-tourism, accessible tourism, cultural and natural tourism. These actively contribute to experience tourism that tourists are increasingly looking for.
4. Tourism with a clear focus on mountain areas must become a priority of policy actions at the various European and state levels. The importance of the tourism sector should be reflected by developing integrated strategies at European and national levels: tourism aspects should be taken into account in all policies (like transport, rural development, agriculture etc) that can have impacts on the tourism sector. Developing common destination marketing at regional level will also help mountain areas to increase their touristic attractiveness.
17 March 2014