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Get support from the European Commission and the OECD to engage mountain citizens in the new Cohesion Policy!

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional Policy is offering technical assistance by experts from the OECD to managing authorities, intermediate bodies or beneficiaries and to civil society organisations to implement in an innovative way the partnership principles in EU Cohesion Policy.

The developed innovations can apply to the design, implementation of some funding programmes but also of strategies to implement one of the five specific objectives of the new Cohesion Policy, or even a specific investment under the 2021-2027 period. This support could be of interest to analyse the involvement of mountain citizens in the implementation of the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy, for example under the policy objective 5 « Europe closer to citizens » dedicated to rural development, bottom-up initiatives and Community Led Local Development.

The Montana174 campaign on Cohesion Policy, led by Euromontana, points out that mountain citizens are often unaware of the opportunities offered by the Cohesion Policy and aims to better inform them about the benefits for our regions. This call is therefore particularly relevant for public authorities and civil society organisations in the mountains who want to further engage citizens in Cohesion Policy and encourage the use of funds to improve the quality of life of local communities.

The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Up to 10 proposals, co-signed by a public authority and a civil society organisation, will receive assistance by the Open Government unit of OECD to test new innovative solutions for engaging citizens. For further details, see the European Commission’s webpage and the call for expression of interests on Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle.

12 April 2022

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