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H2020 consultation ends on January 15, 2017

The public stakeholder consultation on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 ends on January 15, 2017. The objective of the consultation is to collect information from a wide audience on different aspects of Horizon 2020 implementation. All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators and all types of organisations that have participated in Horizon 2020.

It is an opportunity for Euromontana members to bring forward the ideas of the Strategic Research Agenda “Mountains for Europe’s future”. The Strategic Research Agenda explains the importance of mountains for energy and food production, climate action and transport. It makes the case for including more mountain research topics in the major European research funding programmes such as Horizon 2020. At the end of the questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to upload the Strategic Research Agenda as an attachment to your response.

To take part in the public stakeholder consultation, please complete the online questionnaire. It should take about 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire, depending on how detailed your answers are. Please notice that you can answer some questions depending how much you are involved in Horizon 2020.

For more information, click here.

19 December 2016

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4 days ago

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1 week ago

The Puigcerdà Declaration is out! 💥On #InternationalMountainDay we unveil the Declaration co-constructed with mountain communities during the 2024 European Mountain Convention ⛰️"We declare that our mountain economies must be prosperous, resilient and sustainable and we propose actionable recommendations to support our territories during the new EU mandate and beyond" says our President Laura Gascon HerreroRead the Declaration 📜 www.euromontana.org/outcomes/#declaration#MountainsMatter #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Happy International Mountain Day! 🌄🌍Today, we say that #MountainsMatter and we show that there are solutions for a sustainable future in the mountains - for innovation, adaptation and youth 🏔️Let's spread inspiration for sustainable mountains ⬇️ Climate change adaptation 🌡️☀️ Dive into our study on adaptation in tourism and water management 👉 www.euromontana.org/climate-change-in-mountain-areas-meeting-the-challenge-of-adapting-water-mana...Youth 👩‍🦰 What do young people think about life in the mountains? Discover insights from our European survey 👉 www.euromontana.org/being-young-in-a-mountain-area-youths-needs-and-aspirations-in-2022/Innovation 💡 Boost social innovation in your mountains using the outcomes from SIMRA - Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas on and follow the exciting journey of our new ESIRA Project! 👉 www.euromontana.org/projects/#InternationalMountainDay #IMD2024 ... See MoreSee Less
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