The European Commission has recently released the Horizon 2020 interim evaluation “maximising the impact of EU research and innovation”. The evaluation draws the lessons learnt to maximise the impact of future framework programmes. The evaluation was also based on the responses of the public consultation, organised early 2017, which Euromontana participated in.
Among the lessons learnt, the evaluation presents the following potential improvements for the future research framework programmes:
- Invest more ambitiously: Make EU funding for research and innovation (R&I) linked with ambitious national and regional funding in order to reach the research and development investment target of 3% of EU GDP.
- Continue simplification: Simplify the present real cost reimbursement system; increase acceptance of usual accounting practices; increase the use of lump-sum project funding against fulfilment of activities and other simplified forms of funding; reduce the burden for preparing and submitting proposals; reduce the ‘time to grant’; and improve feedback given to applicants.
- Create more impact through mission-orientation and citizen involvement: R&I missions (scientific, technological, social etc.) in the next programme should create more impact, achieve better outreach, and encourage a systemic approach. They should address EU policy objectives, capture the public’s imagination (engaging with people about values, making them part of the process, and proud to be European), forge links between disciplines and sectors, and go beyond what is currently possible.
- Increasing synergies with other EU funding programmes and EU policies: To further strengthen synergies in particular with European Structural and Investment Funds and smart specialisation strategies and to make them more efficient and effective. R&I capacities built over the past decade in lower performing regions could be better used for Framework Programme-supported projects and to increase participation in trans-national R&I networks and activities.
- Fore more information, see the factsheet here
- See the Report of the independent High Level Group on maximising the impact of EU Research & Innovation Programmes “Investing in the European future we want” here
18 January 2018