The European Commission should present its Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas in June 2021. Before doing so, the EU Commission wants to encourage rural stakeholders to share their own vision of vibrant rural areas in different workshops.
These events should be an opportunity for citizens from rural mountainous territories to contribute to the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. However, workshops must be organised in December and January 2021 for their results to be integrated in the European Commission’s Vision for Rural Areas. To encourage rural stakeholders to participate and to guide them in the organisation of local workshops, DG AGRI created a workshop package. It includes:
- A workshop Script which provides guidance with detailed information about how to run the workshop.
- A PowerPoint presentation to be used by the workshop moderator to facilitate the discussion. It should be adjusted to your specific context and should be used for noting the outcomes of the virtual workshops.
- A visual canvas or ‘wheel’ and driver cards that provide visual support for the workshop.
- A harvest sheet for noting the outcomes if you organise a face to face workshop.
The package is available in the majority of EU languages here on the ENRD website.
Euromontana strongly encourages mountain stakeholders to organise workshops and reflect on the needs of rural mountainous areas in the long-term. Workshop conclusions must be send by January 31, 2021, to
8 December 2020