In the framework of the Expo 2015, Euromontana attended the “Towards a long-term strategy for European agricultural research and innovation by 2020 and beyond“ event that took place on the 19th June 2015 in Milano.
This event, organised by the DG AGRI of the European Commission (EC), aimed at starting a debate on the future of European agricultural research and innovation until 2020 and beyond. This workshop can be considered as the first step towards a bigger agricultural research and innovation conference which is expected to be held in Brussels on 26-28 January 2016.
As a basis for the discussions during the event, a background paper has been prepared by DG AGRI. This paper includes the main building blocks of the future agricultural research and innovation strategy, being:
- Resource efficient production systems in a changing climate
- Ecological approaches at farm and landscape level
- Healthy plants and animals
- New openings for rural growth
- Developing the human and social capital in rural areas
In order to have the feedback of the concerned actors, DG AGRI has opened an online survey until the 3rd July 2015.
If you want to access to the recording of the event, please, click here
3 July 2015