Euromontana is involved in two workshops dedicated to areas with geographical specificities (mountains, islands, remote areas) during the coming European Week of Regions and Cities 10 October 2018 in Brussels.
– DG Regio and the ESPON project BRIDGES organise a workshop on “EU close to Islands, Mountains and Sparsely populated areas” with the director of Euromontana as speaker on 10th October 2018 from 09.30 to 11.00. For more information and registration: here. Please note that the registration deadline is the 29th September.
– To continue the discussion, a participative event organised in parallel with the European Week of Regions and Cities will be organised on 10th October 2018 from 14.30 to 17.30 on “Future of cohesion policy in territories with geographic specificities” where group discussions will be organised about how to address demographic change; how providing the transport, accessibility and services of general interest needed for territorial development; and how linking natural and natural heritage and tourism, as part of local economic development. A draft agenda can be found here and click here to register.
So don’t hesitate to join us and learn more about areas with geographical specificities. Places are limited so early registration is recommended.