“The Open Days: European regions and cities taking off for 2020”, took place in Brussels between the 7th and the 10th of October 2013. During these days different workshops were organized by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions.
The 9th of October, Euromontana attend a workshop on Youth Employment, focused on regional experiences of delivering the youth guarantee schemes. The workshop started with the European Commission presenting the main novelties regarding the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative.
The Youth Guarantee is a new approach to tackling youth unemployment which ensures that all young people under 25 – whether registered with employment services or not – get a good-quality, concrete offer within 4 months of them leaving formal education or becoming unemployed. The offer should be for a job, apprenticeship, traineeship, or continued education and be adapted to each individual need and situation.
The Youth Employment Initiative would particularly support young people not in education, employment or training in the Union’s regions with a youth unemployment rate in 2012 at above 25% by integrating them into the labour market. The funds for the Youth Employment Initiative would be available for EU countries to finance measures to implement in the eligible regions the Youth Guarantee Recommendation.
After the presentation of the European Commission, Finland and Toscany region (Italy) explained their regional support scheme to the youth training and employment.
Finally, some organisations as ACTIRIS, the Public Employment Service of Brussels, CapitalSouth and Microstart explained their ways of supporting youth employment. CapitalSouth explained how they train young people on employability skills. Microstart presented their work on a microfunding system for young entrepreneurs in disadvantage conditions in Brussels.
For further information you can have a look to:
18 October 2013