Project partners from the Spanish Basque region and South-West France met on September 15th in Pagoeta, Spain, to mark the start of a 6-year project (Sept. 2016-Nov. 2021) addressing some of the most important challenges faced by grasslands. The Oreka Mendian project is supported with €2.3m of funding from the European Union’s LIFE Programme.
The objective of the Oreka Mendian project is to develop a conservation strategy for natural habitats that are exploited by extensively-managed livestock in the Basque Country. The project will start with the preservation of the traditional use of grasslands which will make it possible to restore a favourable conservation status for the 12 types of habitats and 2 species listed in the Habitats Directive for the Basque region.
One member of Euromontana, the HAZI foundation, is directly involved in the project as coordinator, alongside Euromontana. Euromontana is responsible for action E4, dealing with European level dissemination and exchange of information.
The project website will soon be available. You will be able to find more information about the project on the site.
21 October 2016