Euromontana organises its third webinar of the Smart mountains series on “Climate adaptation: what opportunities for mountain businesses?” on 27th May 2021 from 14.00 to 15.45 via the Zoom platform and in English. Registrations are now open!
Climate change acts faster in mountain regions compared to lowland areas, and it strongly affects the mountain economy. For instance, a 2°C-temperature increase is expected to reduce the length of the European winter sport season by an average of 19 days, causing a loss of 10.1 million nights per winter season. Local businesses shall act quickly and seize the existing opportunities to tackle the effects of climate change in their business and foster mountain adaptation.
This webinar will feed the reflection and answer to some important questions: what are the current and future opportunities to foster climate adaptation for SMEs and businesses in mountains? What are some inspiring examples?
Three innovative practices from the tourism, agricultural and forestry sectors as well as speeches from European institution and organisations will showcase existing opportunities to boost the adaptive capacity of mountain SMEs and unleash new business opportunities.
Event webpage – Agenda – Registration form
This webinar is organised in the frame of a series of virtual events to feed reflection and showcase good initiatives and contribute to foresight analysis for our collective future in view of the XII European Mountain Convention on “Smart mountains: how to make our territories attractive and future-oriented?” (11-12-13 October 2022). Access here the summary reports from our first and second webinars.
26 April 2021