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Presentations done in Chambéry

Opening of the event – 3 October in the morning

Young people’s voice

Why do young people raised in mountain areas decide to stay or to come back after studying and working elsewhere? A case study of young people returning to the Dolomites, Italy

Elena Ferrario, Graduate of the Master “Managing Sustainable Mountain Development”, University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland

What are young people’s vision and expectations of mountains? Results of works conducted by Euromontana network

Emmanuelle Picaud, former trainee at Euromontana, student at University of Grenoble

What do young people think about mountain policies?

Tommy Haugen, elected representative in Buskerud Youth Council, Norway.

Political opening by keynotes speakers

EU 2020 strategy and its implementation in new European territorial policies: what opportunities for European mountain youth?

Wolfgang Streitenberger, Advisor to the Director General for Regional Policy, representing Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy

Parallel workshops – 3 October in the afternoon

Workshop 1. What education and career prospects for young people in mountain areas?

Education and training in mountain areas: what correspondences between youth expectations, available offer and local needs? Results from PADIMA, Ancuta Pasca, Euromontana

Youth exchange to enhance skills in entrepreneurship, Mr Holger Aasen, manager of the county organisation for Young Entrepreneurship, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway

How to train and to attract young entrepreneurs in mountain areas? Neamt Mountain Forum, Romania

Workshop 2. How to provide young active people with the living conditions and public services they need to settle in mountain areas?

Light in windows or how to put secondary houses in the year-round rental market, Kjerstin Spångberg, project manager, Buskerud, Norway

Alpine schools in the context of contemporary socio-economic transformations, Jacques Michelet, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Youth health prevention and promotion, Observatory on health, Rhône-Alpes, France

Workshop 3. How to create a favourable social environment for new generations?

Empowering youth in mountain and rural areas by helping them to reach self-resilience. Passing on the gift, Anahit Ghazanchyan, Country Director of Heifer International, Armenia

Starting youth education where school fails, Matthew MacIver, Highland Council, Scotland

How to promote strategies and synergies facilitating youth employment through raising ecological awareness? Laurent Burget, director of Mountain Riders, France

Workshop 4. How to encourage young people to get involved in their community life? In which sectors is young people’s guidance and involvement vital?

A rallying call to young people, Highland Youth Voice – representing and engaging with Young people in the far North of Europe, Dave Roberts, Highland Council

Are young people represented in the local and regional decision-making bodies? How to encourage them to become real territorial actors? Hildegunn Rye, Hedmark Youth County Council, Norway

What involvement in community programmes thanks to LEADER? Veronika Korcekova, Slovakia, graduate of Central European University.

Workshop 5. Youth and agriculture: situation and prospects for young farmers’ settlement in mountain areas

Young people return to Dorna region and revitalize mountain agriculture, Mioara Bocanici, Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development, Romania

Valorisation of products and setting-up of young farmers in the Northern Alps: which perspectives? Patrice Deschamps, SUACI Northern Alps and Young Farmers Savoie

Setting-up a new farm in a Nordic mountain environment: which challenges? Kristina Yngwe, President of LRF Ungdomen (Young farmers Sweden)

Workshop 6. Youth and tourism: how to attract young people to work in mountain tourism? What solutions to the problem posed by the seasonality?

Youth employment in mountain areas: results of surveys conducted by Euromontana, Thierry Percie du Sert, ARPE Midi-Pyrénées

Is seasonal work a problem or an opportunity to attract young people to mountain regions? Dr. Tanja Stuhec, Pohorje, Slovenia

How to propose an affordable offer of housing for young workers? The example of young workers residence in Rhône-Alpes, Mélanie Rousset, Regional Union of Youth Housing -URHAJ

Workshop 7. What are the opportunities for new jobs generated by innovation in European mountains? What successful initiatives in the field of health and care services, ICT?

Climate Park 2469 innovative guidance about nature and enlightenment around climate change, Dag Inge Bakke, Nature guide in Climatepark, Norway

Job opportunities in the sector of ICT, Nicolas Baleydier, Regional Agency for the Development of Territories (ARDTA) Auvergne, France

Potential future jobs related to telemedicine and risk management: the opportunities opened by the projects RESATER and STIRM – Sandra Ungemach-Bensaid – Network ‘Parcourir’

Workshop 8. Youth and leisure: what are the possibilities to empower young people in mountain regions? What local initiatives can improve access to leisure activities in the mountains?

Rewild or computer games in ‘alterned’ reality adapted to mountain culture & history, Muriel Faure, La Grande Traversée des Alpes, France

Sentieri Creativi – art moving exhibitions on Italian mountain paths, Paolo Valoti, Italian Club of Alpinisme, Municipality of Bergamo, Italy

How to get young people to mountain areas and to have them enjoy snow sports, Andreas Wentzel, European Ski Federation

Closure of the event – 4 October

What strategies should we develop in order to increase the attractiveness of mountain areas for youth? Ancuta PASCA, coordinator of INTERREG IVC PADIMA (Policies Against Depopulation in Mountain Areas)

Declaration of the VIIIth European Mountain Convention, Juan Andres Gutierrez, Euromontana president


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📢 Join us in Brussels on International Mountain Day to discover the Puigcerdà Declaration and debate it with representatives of various European institutions 💬 250 of you attended the European Mountain Convention in Puigcerdà to share your ideas for more prosperous, resilient and sustainable mountain economies ⛰️ Now, let's bring your messages to policymakers ! Programme & registration 👉 www.euromontana.org/shaping-the-future-of-mountain-economies-introducing-the-puigcerda-declaration/#MountainsMatter #IMD2024 #InternationalMountainDay ... See MoreSee Less
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One month since the #mountainconvention2024 in Puigcerdà! 🏔️ What future for #mountaineconomies? Find all the key insights in the event report! 📝🙏 Thank you to all stakeholders who shared their ideas, projects and recommendations for a brighter future in the mountains!Report 🔗 www.euromontana.org/outcomes ... See MoreSee Less
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