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IXth European Mountain Convention: presentations

Day 2 – Thursday 23 October 2014

Session 1: Opening: Mountain supply chains in European policies 2014-2020

Session 2: Academic and international approaches: why do mountain supply chains matter?

Session 3: Mountain supply chain development: key challenges and opportunities, how can the CAP respond?

1. INNOVATION- Mountain products, territories and innovation – Languages: FR-EN- Moderator: Robin Clarke (Highlands, Scotland)
2. TERRITORIAL APPROACH- Cross-fertilising promotion of products and territories -Languages: ES-FR – Moderator: Laurent Gomez (AREPO, Association of European Regions for Products of Origin, Belgium)
3. SOCIAL-ECONOMIC IMPACT- Mountain supply chains, income generation and employment – Languages: ES-EN – Moderator: Eivind Brenna, (Oppland government, Norway)
4. ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE- Mountain products and preservation of the environment and heritage- Languages: FR-EN – Moderator: Thierry Percie du Sert, (ARPE, Agency for Sustainable Development, Midi-Pyrénées, France)
5. MARKETING STRATEGIES- Attracting consumer’s attention in a competitive environment: comparing different marketing strategies adapted to different contexts: – Languages: ES-EN – Moderator: Alazne Uribarri (HAZI, Basque Country)
6. TOOLS – Quality improvement, traceability and control – Languages: ES-FR – Moderator: Théo Gning (FNSEA, National Federation of Farmers’ Unions, France)


You can find here the conclusions of these workshops: InnovationTerritorial approachSocio-economic impactEnvironment Marketing and Tools.

Day 3 – Friday 24 October 2014

Session 4: Networking and strategies for dynamic mountain supply chains

Improving networking and cooperation among mountain supply chain actors – Languages: ES-FR – Moderator: Thomas Egger (SAB- Swiss Centre for Mountain Regions, Switzerland)
  • Douro Region Wine Cluster, Jose Manso, Chairman of the Board, ADVID (Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region, Douro, Norte Region, Portugal).
  • Pyrenees Brand Project, Philippe Machenaud, President of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Pyrenees (France)
Developing better synergies between mountain value chains and tourism – Languages: ES-EN – – Moderator: Dave Robert (Development and Infrastructure Service. Highland Council HQ)
Preparing local development strategies integrating ambitious plans for mountain products development: LEADER initiatives – Languages: FR-EN- ES – Moderator: Aurelio García Bermudez (REDER, Spanish Network for Rural Development, Spain)
Session 5: Designing the way forward for mountain supply chain development

Report from session 4:

How can policy-makers and management authorities support these initiatives within the framework of future European policies, especially through LEADER/CLL. Debate with administrative authorities from 5 countries.
  • George Farlow, Councillor, The Highlands Council, Scotland
  • Claude Comet, Managing Director of the Regional Council for tourism and mountain, Rhône-Alpes Region (France)
  • Theano Vrentzou-Skordalaki, Deputy Governor of the Region of Crete
  • Bittor Oroz, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy of the Basque Government
  • Domènec Vila Navarra, Director General of Food, Quality and Agrifood Industries of Generalitat de Catalunya

Closure of the event by the President of Euromontana, Juanan Gutiérrez and the Director of Rural and Coastal Development and European Policies, Elena Gutiérrez.


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